Therefore LES provides valuable networking, education and information for all business and R&D people with an interest in the licensing of intellectual property rights.
Members of LES-Austria are business executives, scientists, engineers, academicians, lawyers, patent-and trademark attorneys, government officials and other professionals from large, medium and small sized companies. The members are engaged in different aspects of licensing and other issues of transferring or profiting from intellectual property.
LES Austria, a society with about 100 members, was founded in 1979 and is part of LES International.
Any person who is a resident of Austria or who is a resident of a country where there is no local society of LES or any person that is interested in licensing in Austria, can become a member of LES-Austria. An application for membership must be accompanied by a fully completed application form. After acceptance of the application the payment of the yearly membership-fee of EUR 100,– is required.What is the benefit of being a LES-member?
Being a member allows you to get the opportunity to meet and share experience with licensing professionals. Members will receive the quarterly journal „les Nouvelles“, the Journal of the Licensing Executives Society International. Furthermore members have access to the searchable electronic version and its back issues! Networking is facilitated by searchable international directory of the worldwide members of all LES-Societies. Meetings and conferences of LES Austria are open to all members. Moreover it is highly recommended to attend all the international seminars, in particular the annual international conferences, the annual meeting of the LES USA Canada Chapter and the Paneuropean meeting.How to become a member?
All infos including membership-form are available here (german).LES International:
LES International is an non-profit association of 34 national and regional societies, each composed of individual members who are engaged in the profession of licensing and other aspects of transferring or profiting from intellectual property. More than 10.000 people are members of LES International. These members include management representatives from companies both large, medium & small, scientists, engineers, academicians, government officials, lawyers, patent- and trademark attorneys and consultants. LES International was founded with the purpose to establish licensing as a profession, enabling its members to meet, to learn from one another and to establish high professional standards among the individuals engaged in licensing of intellectual property rights and the transfer of technology. Moreover the goal is to inform the public, international bodies, governmental bodies, and the business community concerning the economic significance of licensing and to provide the members with the latest, most accurate information on licensing. Nowadays LES has grown into a world-wide organization.